We’re thrown back into battle and as Richard fights Wormwood, we finally see the true power that’s been previously dormant in Richard after the supposed death of the lizard/dragon Tad Cooper. The writers are taking all the right stylistic chances with this episode. What would our younger selves think about who we are today? So even though it’s incredibly cheesy and off-key, there’s a deeper, emotional meaning much like that we’ve seen in the more recent episodes of “Galavant”.

It highlights an important question we all might be pondering. The final part of the season finale begins with duet with Richard (Timothy Omundson, “Supernatural”) and his younger character’s counterpart (Alfie Simmons, “The Woman in Black 2”) that’s cringeworthy, but stylistically pleasing. Just as the Jester ponders leaving the audience on another huge cliffhanger similar to that of season one, the screen promptly switches to black. The first part of the season finale ends with a reunion of friends and the reprise of “It’s a Good Day to Die” that gives way to the clever “Oh please, this isn’t ‘Game of Thrones!’ ” line that will most definitely be recycled by fans. It takes a lot of thought, and apparently a Disney-esque musical number and synchronized choreography for the Queen to give in. Even though it’s whiny and grabs a quick laugh, it’s totally believable - I mean, it took a while for even Anakin Skywalker to turn into Darth Vader. “Actually, I’ve been having second thoughts about the dark evil way,” she spills. Especially the hesitation shown by Queen Madalena (Mallory Jansen, “Young & Hungry”) when the magician Wormwood (Robert Lindsay, “Atlantis”) requests her use of dark magic to win the battle. But despite these humorous inserts, emotions really rule most of this episode. It exposes the Hortensia confidence and the ultimate fear of the Valencians when the battle begins it even reprises a duet between a young couple whose house is unfortunately located right in the center of the battlefield. “It’s a Good Day to Die” is frustratingly catchy. Meanwhile, Princess Isabella Maria Lucia Elizabetta of Valencia (Karen David, “Castle”) faces her own challenges when the Valencian army suggests suicide as an alternative to battle, which leads to a “Braveheart”-style speech and a song. First, in arguably the catchiest episode recap in history and surprising throwback to “A Knight’s Tale”, the Jester (Ben Presley, “What We Did on Our Holiday”) gives us the lowdown on what’s been going on this season, which earns him a round of applause from the armies about to face each other to the death. Tolkien had somehow written “The Hobbit” as a Broadway musical directed by Mel Gibson, then this 20-minute episode would hit the target dead-center. So, even if it means less Omundson's King Richard in my life, I can live with that.The first part of the finale “Battle of the Three Armies” plays off of the “Hobbit” franchise’s “Battle of the Five Armies” in both name and style. If Galavant had gone on, perhaps it wouldn't be the masterpiece I remember it as today. And then there are certain shows that had one or two perfect seasons, and were never sullied by shark jumping (Freaks & Geeks, anyone?). So many amazing shows have ruined themselves over time (I'm talking to you, The Office). I realized that one of the biggest reasons that Galavant is such a stand out show in my mind, is because it only had two seasons. In the past, I've been sad that we didn't get a third season. His belief in Tad Cooper alone makes the season. The character arc of King Richard could not have been written any better.
His comedic timing, singing, and charm stand out in an already fantastic series filled with talent. Omundson's portrayal of King Richard is a delight for the soul. Their willingness to turn the spotlight on to the better character, King Richard, over the titular Galavant, proved to be the best decision they could have made. The most important thing this season did was acknowledge the fact that Richard was the true protagonist, not Galavant.

How many great shows are now unwatchable because the showrunners had no idea how to close? Galavant's showrunners finished so incredibly strong, here, while still leaving a perfect opening for a third season. While I love the whole series, the two part finale is what made the entire series. The 4th wall breaking didn't get obnoxious. I still, to this day, can't get them out of my head. Were there plot holes in every episode? Sure! But I could not care less! I loved the character arcs. It took everything good about the first season and improved them. Season 2 of Galavant is exactly what a second season should be.