Yusuke is also extremely protective of Kuwabara and shows a lot of worry whenever he's hurt/about to die.

The ease with which he jumps into Yusuke's crazy adventures shortly after learning about the Spirit World would support this character interpretation - that he always wanted to challenge Yusuke to a good, wholesome duel but also stand up for him when he needed help. And in another sense he wants to be useful to Yusuke, someone who keeps his rival on edge so he remains at his best also. Though there's also a playfulness in Kuwabara's rivalry to Yusuke, like whenever he has his friend to measure against he has a bench mark he can aim for surpassing. When Yusuke is being pummeled to a pulp by Toguro he regresses into his own mental bubble, and Kuwabara and Keiko are shown as childhood friends of his - with Kuwabara slowly melting away as only Keiko remains by his side. A lot of Kuwabara's early behavior seems like he's an old friend of Yusuke's who hates how he became a delinquent and fights him primarily to get his attention.Kuwabara for his part reacts to the dream with horror, and he's so disturbed by it that he goes to the arcade to unwind from the stress (hurting Yusuke's chances, but fortunately Keiko does make it in time). What makes it even funnier is Yusuke is forced to implant this dream into Kuwabara's head, simply to increase his chances of coming back to life since 2 kisses from either Keiko or Kuwabara is better than just one (Yusuke dismisses his mom outright, because she's a partying drunk that won't be there long enough). Keiko, his mother, and Kuwabara are the only people he can think of that care that much about him, which in Kuwabara's case says a lot. Back when Yusuke was still dead and needed someone to transfer their life energy into him through the lips, Koenma tells him that only the people that care about him the most can do this for him. An obvious example is the dream kiss between him and Yusuke.All of this is played out while Yusuke and Kuwabara are fighting in the classroom like an old married couple.
When Kuwabara is seen as the wife he's shown as a house wife, while Yusuke is shown as a mother of a child pushing the baby in a stroller with Kuwabara by her side.

"Who was the husband and who was the wife?"